The Weekly Jam 6.8.14

weekly jam

Seems there are new game jams starting every week! We keep an eye on them for you and post the best here every Sunday morning (US).


Nar8 – The Narrative Game Jam

Games are our favored medium for storytelling, and that’s all this jam is about. In any game genre, tell a compelling story. And unlike other jams, there are no marks for art or mechanics–the best story of the bunch wins. Starts June 8 and runs through June 30.


Air Control Jam

Inspired by the Air Control sim, this jam challenges you to make a sim of any kind by the end of the month. The jam opens today, June 8, and entries are due June 30.


Glitch Jam

Make a game that deliberately uses glitches as an integral part of gameplay or otherwise embraces a glitched-out aesthetic. Resource pages provide ideas, inspiration and practical help. Starts whenever you want on June 9, ends at midnight your time on June 30.



BitBit Jam

You  get one week to create a game for an old 8-bit or 16-bit hardware system. Themes may be suggested when you join, and one will be chosen randomly on Friday at 23:59 GMT+1 (that’s one minute before 7 pm EDT). The jam starts one minute later, and closes in exactly one week, midnight GMT+1 on Saturday,  June 21.


Are you promoting an online game jam? Let us know and we’ll give you a plug!

One thought on “The Weekly Jam 6.8.14

  1. Pingback: The Weekly Jam 6.15.14 | Little Games

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